MS in Intelligence Analysis

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Obtain a Credential that Helps You Advance in the Intelligence Field

As the U.S. navigates a challenging international landscape, intelligence agencies and the private sector seek educated analysts to lead initiatives related to national and corporate security. Now, you can prepare for critical roles in the public and private sectors by pursuing the MS in Intelligence Analysis program. With this degree from Johns Hopkins University’s Advanced Academic Program division, you can open doors to new opportunities in a growing career field.

Join our online master’s program to gain practical experience in analyzing intelligence. You will learn how to apply analytical thinking, persuasive communication, and other skills to interpret diverse data sets for intelligence organizations. This program also provides the opportunity to:

  • Graduate with qualifications required for key roles within intelligence agencies as well as those in the public and private sectors.
  • Explore practical concepts taught by leading theorists and practitioners from the intelligence community.
  • Establish a theoretical grounding in the discipline and master the core skills needed to succeed in the field.
  • Develop or hone your intelligence analysis skills to stand out as you seek a leadership position.

Fast Facts

Study entirely online to earn a respected master’s degree in intelligence analysis.

Online Coursework

With the MS in Intelligence Analysis program, you will learn career-relevant concepts presented by intelligence experts and practitioners. The program consists of 12 online courses that you can complete in two years.

  • The Art and Practice of Intelligence
  • Intelligence Analysis
  • Applied Critical Thinking and Analysis
  • Strategic Culture Analysis
  • Intelligence Ethics
  • Leading Intelligence Organizations
  • Research Seminar
  • Capstone: Current Issues in Intelligence

Some options include:

  • Intelligence to Secure the Homeland and Hometown
  • The Intelligence-Policy Nexus
  • Human Intelligence Operations
  • Private Sector Intelligence
  • Assessing Military Capabilities
  • Technical Collection of Intelligence
  • Legal Issues in Intelligence